Short-term EVS in Turkey for volunteers from Croatia!.

Datum objave: 4. prosinca, 2017.

Our dear partners from Turkey, the T.E.A.M. seek a volunteer from Croatia for a short-term volunteer service for 2 months in the town of Kazanli. Are you interested in what this is all about? Read below 😉

WHERE: Mersin, Turkey, Association Third Eye Education and Youth Association of Mediterranean-T.E.A.M.

WHEN: January – March 2018.

WHY: Cleaning Kazan Beach, visiting schools and other institutions in order to raise awareness of environmental protection and sea turtles

HOW: EVS (European Volunteer Service), provided money for travel, food and accommodation!

T.E.A.M is an association founded in 2009 with main goals to act in the field of nature protection in the local community and to work with young people. Kazanli is a small town on the coast, located about 15km from the center of Mersina. Kazanli is one of the important centers of the sea turtles, Caretta-Caretta and Chelodonia Mydas, and therefore the association of T.E.A.M. cares ot many activities in order to preserve the environment and protect these species, and for this purpose the project “Be aware and wake up awareness” has been launched. This project aims to create and raise awareness of the environment protection, the need for recycling, re-using and reducing the use of raw materials and objects among young people and children through various informal educational methods: theater performances, games, flash moba etc, depending on the creativity of the group. One of the most important goals of the project is the promotion of active citizenship, the promotion of volunteerism, cooperation and solidarity among young people.

If you find yourself in the role of a promoter of the importance of preserving the marine turtles and environment and want to contribute to the keeping of these sweet animals, contact us in the inbox or e-mail The application requires a CV in Europass format and a letter of motivation in English. Deadline for applications is December 20, 2017. For more information about the project, please visit the following link.

We look forward to your submissions 🙂


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