Trainers SOS – Save Our Seas.

The main activity of the project – TC “Trainers SOS – Save Our Seas” will take place on Murter Island from the 1st to the 9th of September 2017. It will bring together 30 participants coming from 7 different countries – Croatia, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Latvia, and Italy.
Participants will be youth trainers with a passion for the environment aiming to build their competences in marine environmental education and usage of non-formal learning methods. The protection of the marine environment is an interesting and important topic to European youth and partner organizations involved in the project. We will connect the knowledge that we got through formal education (real facts, scientific methods, research) and target it through non-formal learning activities, which aim at enhancing the soft skills and competences of our participants for them to act as youth trainers. The main topics included in this project (unsustainable fishing, pollution, climate change, ocean acidification) are closely related to the aim of the EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive adopted by all Member States.

Main objective of project is to build capacity of POs for work with youth on marine environmental topics, which we plan to achieve through 3 phases: preparation (introduction to mentorship inside Pos), TC (connect marine topics with non-formal methods and develop new workshops) and follow-up (participants act like trainers in their communities).

The specific objectives of the project (derived from the needs of POs):
*30 youth trainers will better understand the relationships between pressures from human activities and climate influences and their effects on marine ecosystems worldwide
*encourage 30 youth trainers and 9 POS to use the latest scientific facts in developing new non – formal environmental education methods and tools
*foster usage of non-formal learning methods in youth work by developing 8 new educational workshops disseminated worldwide with e-booklet
*connect 9POs working with youth and environmental issues so they can exchange their know-how and create new quality international partnerships inside Erasmus+
*develop training skills of 30 youth trainers to act after project as trainers for Erasmus+ projects and in their communities
*ensure the development of mentorship in 9 POs between experienced trainers and junior trainers
*strengthen youth impact in climate change global issues having 30 youth trainers act as multipliers

The project will result with e-book containing 8 new workshops developed by participants on TC, promotional video and Facebook page that will be tools for future cooperation of the participants creating a strongly connected pool of environmental trainers and a net of POs that will establish strong connections in civil sector linking marine environment issues with youth work.







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