We are swimming towards these seas of knowledge....

  • "I would recommend all the young people to not pollute the environment and join this group because it is interesting. And with this, you help your home. That's why!"
  • "Young people should be more involved in this voluntary action, because first of all this is our area that we need to protect, protect our nature and contribute to our community."
  • "I love this youth exchange experience. We learn a lot about the possibilities of employment and about other cultures."
  • "I am very surprised that you have all of these activities in Murter. I learned a lot and met great people."
  • "Today's educational trip to Kornati islands will definitely leave a beautiful and lasting impression in the memory of our students."

Keep up with Argonauta.

Are you sick and tired of bad news? Don't worry. Here you can browse latest notifications about our work that we believe will move and inspire you to act in your own community.


12. February, 2025.

On Monday, February 10th, we dedicated part of the morning to something just as important as organizing workshops and writing blogs: taking a moment...

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10. February, 2025.

Today we held the second workshop of the traditional Eco Wednesday in Jedro, as part of this year’s ninth edition of the project “Kornati...

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5. February, 2025.

Yesterday, Tuesday February 4th, we held the third workshop of the winter program “Winter Full of Life.” Our Spanish ESC Volunteer, Ana, led a...

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  • Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.
  • And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
  • First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
  • Be the change that you wish to see in the world.
  • Jubavju su zemlju krčili, jubav je između njih stala, jubav ih je na vrpi držala. Svaki je kamen na prizidu i gomilicu, doša na njihov pot i muku. Svaki je tri put proša kroz njihovu trudnu ruku...
  • The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
  • A jet plane cannot mow the lawn, but it can fly to distant destinations. Don't worry so much about what you can't do; just do what you can as only you can do it.
  • In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
  • Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.
  • Nothing is as important for studying as nature.
  • Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
  • I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.
  • I strongly believe in the rule of compensation. True awards are always in proportion with work and sacrifices.

Secret formula of our projects.

Inspiration for all our projects comes from natural and cultural heritage of Murter region and hidden potential of a local community. Once we come up with a project idea, we need to add a lot of good will, hard work and a bit of luck. See for yourselves what are our current projects!


5. February, 2025.

“From Challenge to Change” je međunarodni trening koji će okupiti 18 polaznika i 2 trenera iz 9 partnerskih organizacija. Glavni cilj je osposobiti osobe...

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Music for Mental Health

22. August, 2024.

“Music for Mental Health: Inspiration in the Body Through Music” (MoMe II) is a continuation of the previous youth exchange titled “Movement for Mental...

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Adriatic cross-sectoral educational and community center for sustainable development of the island