Others wonder – what is cultural heritage?.

Datum objave: 3. April, 2018.

The staff of the Argonauta association hosted this morning with students of the second grade of the Primary School in Murter accompanied by their teacher Živane Stegić Ivas. At the moment they are learning about cultural institutions and cultural heritage, they visited us on the premises of the Sokolane, where the objects were preserved in the Mavrovo Raba’s Local Collection, to learn firsthand what belongs to the cultural heritage of Murter.

The students, accompanied by the Argonauta staff, viewed the collection and learned for what some of the objects from the collection were used in the past. Out of the exposed objects, most of the kids were impressed by the loom, and the old iron was also interesting to them. Nevertheless, most of our attention was devoted to the Murter’s traditional folk costume.

Murter’s photographs in folk costumes exhibited in the collection and served us as an inspiration in making our own Murray collage costume. Children learned about the parts of folk costumes and their names, and gave their creations interesting, not so traditional names.

In the second part of the workshop, children learned some about the typewriters. Part of the collection and writing machine is more than 100 years old, children associating it with the printer and keyboards. After the story of the writing machines and their evolution, the children wrote their name on the work list by typing, for example, fearing letters on the drawing machine.

Joining with others has opened up many new topics that we would have fun at some of the following workshops. Thanks to the second class and their teacher for a visit!

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