Argonauta at the conference “Living Healthy”.

Datum objave: 10. April, 2018.

Argonauta received a call from the Croatian Institute for Public Health to join the implementation of the “Living Healthy” project, co-financed by the European Social Fund, and to attend the project presentation on 9th March 2018.

Namely, the European Social Fund in the framework of the Operational Program “Effective Human Resources” for the period 2014-2020 approved grants for the implementation of the project “Living Healthy”. The Beneficiary of the grant is the Croatian Public Health Institute in partnership with 21 County Public Health Institutions. During the next six years, the investment of significant funds has been planned with the aim of intensify the activities of promoting health in the Republic of Croatia.

The project’s activities are based on the National Program “Living Healthy” and the common aim is to improve the health of the entire population through implementation of positive aspects about healthy lifestyles, in the local community by informing, educating and sensitizing citizens of all age groups.

The elements of implementation are based on the components of the National Program “Living Healthy”:

Health education
Health and physical activity
Health and nutrition
Health and workplace
Health and the environment

On 26th March 2018, Argonauta participated to the conference which was held in the City Hall in Sibenik as part of the “Live live” project. The conference was led as a focused debate, and the purpose was to show and improve resources in the local community to promote health, healthy lifestyles, movement and ecology.

At the conference, we presented the activities that we are doing in the field of volunteerism and ecology.

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