Redesigned portal of the archaeological site Colentum.
As part of the Archaeological Treasure Colentum 6 (ABC6) project – the encouragement of community participation in the sustainable development of local, cultural and historical heritage resources, the portal has been redesigned. Its main goal is to contribute to the valorization of the cultural and natural heritage of the Colentum archaeological site through animation and education of the landowners on Gradina hill, the local community and networking the stakeholders from private, public and non-profit sector.
Web portal is an informative portal that works as a platform for the presentation of the Colentum archaeological site in Murter. You can visit the portal at In one place you can find all the informations about the Colentum archaeological site: a vision of the archeological site, historical facts about the archaeological site, an overview of the implemented and planned projects and current activities and news. Another important news on the portal is the category of “Owners Corner” intended for direct communication of the owners of land parcels at Colentum with project managers, Murter-Kornati Municipality and the Association of Argonauta. The purpose of this category was to connect with each other, stakeholders from private, public and non-profit sector through direct communication and to inform and educate the owners of land parcels at Colentum about the possibilities of their participation in future projects. The new portal, along with the Croatian language, has also been translated into English to provide informations about this valuable archaeological site to our tourists and visitors too, as well as volunteers from various EU countries who frequently participate in Colentum projects. has been redesigned by VISI media d.o.o. from Split. The activities of the ABC6 project are funded through a Call for Proposals, for Associations of Islands Associations targeted at Sustainable Island Development within the available resources of the State Budget for 2017 by the Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds.