Activities in the Provincial Collection of Mudronja Rebac continue.
At the initiative of the Argonauta association, with the financial and logistical support of the Murter-Kornati Municipality and the Murter-Kornati Municipal Tourist Board, as well as the expert assistance of the City of Šibenik Museum and the family of Marko Mudronja Rebac, work continues on the valorization of the Local Collection of Mudronja Rebac. Recall, a collection of objects, photographs and documents from the history of Murter, collected by Marko Mudronja Rebac during his life, gave the Municipality of Murter-Kornati permanent property. The municipality exhibited the Collection on the ground floor of the so-called “Sokolane na Pijaci” of the Society of Rural Development in the Village of Murter.
Due to the value of the collection and the potential for its use in the presentation of the rich cultural and traditional heritage of Murter, the first activities started this spring. They will be registered in the Register of Cultural Goods of the Republic of Croatia. Registration of Collections in the Register of Cultural Goods of the Republic of Croatia will represent the basis for further valuation and improvement of the Collection through funding from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, EU funds and other donors.
The local collection is open for a visit every working day in the morning from 8 am to 2 pm. It is possible to organize guided tours in the Collection or workshops, with previous announcement and agreement with employees of the Argonauta association. This year’s collection has been attended by children of the second and third grade of the Murterski školi Primary School, accompanied by their teachers, and they learned about the exhibition through educational workshops.
At the moment, the main activity is the inventory of the local collection and preparatory activities of the registration of the collection in the Register of Cultural Goods of the Republic of Croatia. Extensive professional support to the entire process is provided by the employees of the City Museum of Šibenik, in particular, the ethnology department of MGŠ. The successful cooperation of the family of Marko Mudronja Rebac with the Murter-Kornati Municipality and the Argonauta association continues, in particular, the expert help of the restorer and conservator Jelena Ćurić, Marko Mudronja Rebac’s granddaughter.
We will notify you of working time and other contents in the next period. For the time being, we know that during the month of July and August there will be an educational workshop for children, modelled on the last year’s “Murters’ Children’s Monday”, whose inspiration was the cultural heritage of Murter.
We look forward to your visit!