A survey of the floristic and vegetation values of the Colentum site.
Throughout the month of April, the last activity of the project “Archaeological treasures Colentum 6 – Involvement of community participation in the sustainable development of local cultural and historical heritage resources”, has been submitted within the framework of the Call for Proposals of Islands Associations targeted at Sustainable Development of the Islands within the available resources of the State Budget for 2017, Ministry of Regional Development and European Union Funds. The last activity of the project concerned the inventory of plant species of Colentum archaeological site.
In co-operation with Mag.ing. Agroecology Maj. Barešić from LAG 249 and Biology Primary School biologist doc.dr. Sc. Mariju Pandžom, a study was carried out on the area of the Roman villa and the colentum archaeological site vegetation on Mount Gradina in Murter. The research entitled “Florist and vegetation values of the localities of Colentum (Murter Island)” doc.dr.sc. M.Pandže placed special emphasis on endemic, endangered and protected taxa and invasive taxa, and protected habitat types. In the halophytic zone, along with the Roman villa, 25 taxa were recorded and 119 species on the olive groves in grassland vegetation. Since research studied only one month, the list of Colentum’s vegetation is incomplete. The study concluded that even 11 species of Colentum flora belong to one or more categories of special interest (endemic, endangered or strictly protected species).
The aim of this study was to improve the knowledge of the floristic and vegetative values of the Colentum site. This research is the basis of future research and planning of the Archeological and Recreational Park and Colentum arboretum, and the recording of the category of florals of special interest is still one of a series of testimonies of the value and importance of preserving the Colentum archaeological site.
The Association of Argonauta is especially grateful to doc.dr. Sc. Mariji Pandži and mag.ing.agroekologija Maj Barešić for expert assistance and valuable research.