Wanted volunteer for EVS in Turkey.

Datum objave: 9. May, 2018.

The Argonauta Association offers a chance to participate in the European Volunteer Service (EVS) project in Turkey for young people from Croatia aged 17 to 30. EVS is the mobility activity of youth programs ERASMUS +. This means that young people aged between 17 and 30 have the opportunity to volunteer in one of the countries covered by the program (all European countries and some partners, the list can be found in the guide). The program provides accommodation, food, health insurance, travel expenses of a volunteer and a pocketbook during the stay.

The current project is implemented by Third Eye Association Mediterranean T.E.A.M. from Turkey looking for a volunteer for the project “Let’s Watch the World by the Eye of EVS”. This is a two-month short-term EVS project in the town of Kazanli, Mersin. EVS activities relate to the cleaning of Kazan Beach, the protection and monitoring of sea turtles, visits to schools and other institutions in order to raise awareness of environmental protection and sea turtles etc. The EVS project covers the cost of travel, food and accommodation volunteers. The project activity starts on June 12 and runs until August 9, 2018.

In order to apply for a project, you must send a CV in Europass format and a letter of motivation in English at e-mail sanja.tabori@argonauta.hr. The deadline is May 20, 2018. For more information about the project, please visit the following link https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HoypRDVpyU-BoZzMPz3V29mgqPwEfcHb.

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