The local collection of Mudron Rice popular among students!.

Datum objave: 14. May, 2018.

We rehearsed the school weekend with a visit to the Provincial Collection of Mudronja Repca, visited by students of 3a and 3b of Primary School Juraj Šižgorić from Sibenik together with teachers Antonia and Miranda. In addition to introducing and recognizing items from the collection, the children participated in an educational and creative workshop called “What was all in the tavern”. Since the group was big, they were associated with other members of the Association, so they visited also the church of St. Roko, where children learned about the island of Murter and recognized what they saw in the landscape. The children were interested and involved in interaction with the manager, and most impressed them with the creative part in which they created their modern kitchens in which they assembled old objects from the collection. In this way, they are merged traditionally and modernly, resulting in numerous imaginative solutions and ideas. The workshop itself also preceded the repetition of the material with the help of pre-drawn items where the children had printed the names of the exhibits. The tasks have been successfully realized, and the children brought home the positive impressions and their design solutions.

We certainly hope for future arrivals and meetings. Thank the Treasures and Teachers and hope to meet you again.

Also, our gatherings, with the exception of good emotions, have captured numerous photos.

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