The first antique jewelry fair has been held.

Datum objave: 11. July, 2018.

By the end of June, the Association of Argonauta was marked by the organization of the first antique jewelry fair in Tisno. The inspiration for the jewelry fair was the archaeological collection of St. Martin Ivinj, which contains interesting pieces of jewelry found in the area of Ivinj. The Municipality of Tisno has recognized the potential of this fair. It realized funds for the implementation of the fair, through the Tisno Tender Competition, for the application of programs, projects and public needs of interest to the general good conducted by the associations for the year 2018.

In cooperation with the National Library and the reading room of Tisno and the Tourist Association of Tisno, the Association of Argonauta organized a fair that brought together exhibitors of jewelry from Croatia. We were particularly pleased with the fact that the local artisans and the Museum of Wooden Naval Architecture also exhibited their jewelry, thus promoting and presenting their jewelry to the local population, tourists, and visitors of Tisno.

Apart from interesting pieces of jewelry that could be seen at Katunarić on Friday and Saturday, on Friday Viktor Hodak honored the opening ceremony of the Archaeological Collection of St. Martin Ivinj. Guests and visitors of the fair had a chance to see the collection and to get acquainted with the fundus of the locality of Sv. Martin, Ivinj. The collection will be open during July and August every evening from 20h to 23h when everyone interested can see it free of charge.

On Saturday, employees and volunteers from the Argonauta association made a jewelry workshop where children, but also some grown-ups, made their unique specimens of pearls, clay, plastics, fabrics, etc. Certain pieces of jewelry were really delighted by the present and hopefully, after this workshop, children continue to develop their imagination and skills in the field of jewelry making. We also hope that this fair will contribute to the popularization of the Archaeological Collection of St. Martin Ivinj, and thus contribute to the valorization of the locality of Sv. Martin Ivinj.

We thank all the participants of the fair, who supported the first Antique Jewelry Fair with their presence and we hope that next year we will gather in an even bigger number of participants. Thanks also to our partners in the organization of the fair, the National Library, and readers of Tisno and Tourist Board of the Municipality of Tisno and the Municipality of Tisno to provide the financial means necessary for the implementation of the fair.

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