Story of St. Mihovil.

Datum objave: 18. July, 2018.

The second week of the Argonauta Child Program started with a workshop “Story of St. Mihovil, “as our village carries the title of this saint – an archangel. Also, St. Mihovil occupies an important place in the collection of the Marko Mudronje and it is not a surprise that he was the main actor of yesterday’s children’s workshop. We have led the children to enter into the angel world and to meet one of the seven archangels who have a special place in the hearts of the faithful.

Who are the angels – or archangels – to whom they belong and their role in the lives of the faithful, the participants had the opportunity to hear through a short story, and they gained the knowledge by linking certain terms that bind to the St. Michael. Since Archbishop Mihovil was not only a saint but also a soldier – a warrior, they had the opportunity to make their archaic of Mihovil with pre-prepared material, resulting in different creative solutions. We certainly agree that they were most intrigued by the dragon, since they, as the children say, “no longer exist”.

His paintings were brought home by the attendees. If you want to explore deeper the inspirations of our workshops, don’t lose the workshop which Ivana is preparing for tomorrow.

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