Dry Stone Wall Extravaganza 4.
This Monday, 17th September, started the 4th edition of short-term EVS project Dry Stone Wall Extravaganza. For one month, fifteen youngsters coming from five different countries (Poland, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria and Turkey) will live and work together in Murter.
With archaeologist Luka Eraković, they will renew the dry stone walls – an important part of Dalmatian cultural heritage – surrounding the remains of the Liburnian city of Colentum.
The objective of the project is to promote the value of this site as an important part of European cultural-archaeological heritage, while developing its potential in terms of sustainable development for rural communities.
On the first day, our volunteers started to know each other with some ice-breaking games, they learnt their way to and from the site and listened to an introduction to the project and to the history of the area.
The project is funded by the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes as part of Erasmus Plus Programme and is implemented by Argonauta in partnership with the following associations:
– Akdeniz Üçüncü Göz Eğitim ve Gençlik Derneğ (Turkey);
– Sdruzhenie Alternativi International (Bulgaria);
– Associazione di Promozione Sociale Joint (Italy);
– Arrabal AID (Spain);
– Semper Avanti (Poland).
This project is implemented in cooperation with Municipality of Murter-Kornati and Primary school Murterski škoji