Small workshop for kids and adults – “Latinsko idro”.

Datum objave: 29. September, 2018.

“The Latin sail is a reminder of a way of life, of an extraordinary space, of a spiritual world and its existence. The Latin sail is a synthesis of all the activities and the procedures, of all the knowledge and craftmanship, of all the naval skills and the temptations, of the state of mind and the belief, of everything that is fading upon this marvelous aquarium…”

Today, 29th of September, is St. Michael’s day, and Sv. Mihovil is the patron saint of Murter. During this month many events have been held in the town, and the celebrations will culminate tomorrow with the regatta “Latinsko idro”.

The regatta is held each year since 1998 and is reserved to traditional boats with Latin sail. To introduce younger generations to this ceremony, yesterday Argonauta held a workshop in Hramina, where children could colour with chalks a pavement drawing dedicated to the Latin sail and could build a little token with recycled materials.

Using old dismissed nautical charts, the children could create their own boats and express their creativity decorating them with pencils and markers. They also glued inside them drawings of animals, tools and goods, because the inhabitants of the island of Murter were mostly farmers and mainly used the boats to transport products to and from Kornati islands.

In the end, the children gave their boats a name and a registration number, and here you have the official immatriculation list of the participants of our little paper boat regatta!

  1. Bljzaljko
  2. Glamoč
  3. Pepić
  4. Leopold
  5. Račić
  6. Kepolić
  7. Dodo
  8. Panni
  9. Veronika
  10. Bonko
  11. Stella Maris
  12. Cvita
  13. Luna
  14. Maja
  15. Lovre
  16. Nina
  17. Mirta
  18. Silis
  19. Popaj
  20. Sidro Brza Munja
  21. Jadranski Dupin
  22. Legić


To know more about this tradition, you can check the following links:

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