Saturday’s Eco-Patrol has started very seriously. In the middle of the table, there were various items, and settled around, small Eco-scientists, four of the most enduring. They should have figured out of which natural elements and substances formed individual items on the table (cardboard, plastic bottle, polystyrene, glass container …). After that they watched the labels on their shirts. Apart from finding out about their t-shirt designs, they are aware of the fact that clothing can be made from animal and vegetable raw materials and even plastic, which is particularly surprising.
Problems and consequences of over-exploitation of natural resources, were experienced by Patrol-Kids through two games. They first met the problem of overcrowding. They then found out about the problem of over-exploitation of palm oil, which is the main ingredient of their favourite NUTELLA paste, as well as many other products. Unfortunately, the development of palm oil plantations leads to the forcing of the forests, resulting in the extinction of many animal species living in these forests (apes, tigers …).
After the game, we continued the workshop with a scientific tone. We have shown examples of inspired nature of the invention, which have encouraged them to create their own inventions (dog tent, water turbine from plastic spoons, paper web, etc.).
A nice time took us out to another cleaning action. But where? The answer to that question the Patrol-kids did not know. They got the cards on which they had directions and points of the road they were to follow, and a map of the island of Murter where they were supposed to draw their way. The two groups had different routes, but the destination point was the same, the beach in Betina. At this beach we spent the cleaning action exactly three months ago and started monitoring and analyzing waste at this beach. We can proudly state that the amount of waste found since last time is significantly smaller.
Next time, a nice greeting with the eco-message: “We did not inherit the land from grandparents, but borrowed from grandchildren!”