The “Stop, Drop and Role” Youth Exchange will take place in Sibenik from 6 to 15 April 2019, and will gather 36 young people from 6 countries: Croatia, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Bulgaria and Macedonia to explore and spread the knowledge of climate changes and fires in nature.
The consequences of climate changes are felt in all parts of the world. People have done a huge damage to the environment, which is why we are facing more and more natural disasters. Scientists considered that climate changes increase the possibilities of fire, as well as their intensity. In recent decades, fires have caused enormous damage to the environment, but also the loss of human lives. Unfortunately, in most cases, fires have been caused by human negligence or on intent.
Prevention is a key issue in solving the fire problems. Through the project we will strive to raise awareness of the fires, causes, prevention, environmental impact, and what to do in the event of a fire. These topics will be introduced to us from “first-hand” by Public Fire Department of Sibenik and The Forestry Split. There will also be organized the first aid workshops in the nature by the Red Cross.
Through informal methods, participants will practice teamwork, public performance, presentation, organizational and creative skills that will give them a sense of satisfaction. Additionally, by organizing the national evenings and by daily co-operation, we will encourage them to develop the mutual tolerance and respect for different traditions and cultures. Also, our desire is to encourage the young people to participate and actively participate in society. Like that the participants of the ‘exchange’ will be invited to assist the local community through the action of cleaning and will open a modern exhibition at the Catholic School in Šibenik, in the form of awareness-raising campaign.
Active participation of young people in environmental protection is of great importance because the environment knows no borders and only international cooperation can lead to its preservation. Throughout the project, the participants will understand how an individual action can contribute to the environmental protection, and will understand the motto “think globally – act locally”.