Youth Exchange – Educational Field Trip to Fire Site.
Another youth exchange is underway, called “Stop, Drop and Role!”. The Argonauta association and the city of Sibenik hosted 36 young people from 6 countries to educate them about climate change and natural fires. Additionally, one of the main goals of the exchange is to develop international tolerance and respect because climate change and forest fires do not know the boundaries and only with common forces can preserve and save what nature has given us.
Therefore, we are part of the program on Tuesday 9th of April young people have offered a quality educational excursion to the Korešnice area between Split and Solin, which was burned in a fire catastrophe last year. The experts from the Split Forestry were welcomed by us, and they “firsthand” introduced us to the tradition of natural management of Croatian forests and the characteristics of the Mediterranean forests. On the ground, the consequences of catastrophic fires of unprecedented proportions, which in 2017 hit the area around Split, showed us. They also explained the works on repairs of fired surfaces, as well as fire protection measures. Still, the most talked about the “problem” of afforestation of the controversial alempic pine that the foresters so “love”. In the end, we conclude that it is not a problem in the Aleppo pines, because every tree can burn, but in the individuals which are setting the fire and do not allow the Aleppo pine to do its pioneering work to the end, thus enabling the development of climatogenic species (oak and oak hornbeam).
This is where we invite you to the opening of a modern art exhibition at the Catholic Primary School on Friday, 12th of April at 12:30. The aim of the exhibition is to raise the awareness of the local population about climate change and fire in nature, and the importance of preventing forest fires. The exhibition will be open to until 17th of April to visitors.