“Sea-stainability” project presented in Tribunj.

Datum objave: 6. June, 2019.

On May 04 2019, LAGUR Galeb from Tribunj organized a presentation of the project “Sea-Sustainability Education for Sustainable Development of Gastronomy and Fisheries”. The project has been funded under the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program, and partners in the project are Argonauta association, the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IZOR) of Split and the Šibenik Tourism School. Along with the presentation of the project and the project partners, representatives of the partner organization IZOR held presentations on the challenges of fish resources and waste from the sea.

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to economic and social cohesion in Central Dalmatia through education for sustainable development in the fisheries and gastronomy sector. To achieve this goal, we will contribute to the implementation of study visits and workshops for the students of the Tourist and Catering School Šibenik and their integration into the training program for sustainable development.

Support for education for sustainable development will be provided by scientists of the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IZOR) by educating students and by developing educational material on sustainable fisheries and sewage. ISOR scientists will hold public lectures and will set up guidelines for educational play for children and young people with Argonauta association, with the aim of raising public awareness of the importance of the United Nations Global Sustainable Development Goals: Responsible Consumption and Production and Conservation of the World Water. In order to strengthen capacities for future education of children and youth in the Šibenik-Knin County, it will also enable the professional development of elementary and high school teachers.

The projected duration is from 01.05.2019. – 30.04.2020. (12 months), and the total value of the project is 758,447.63 HRK. The project is co-funded by the Office for Croatian Government Associations through the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program.

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