We participated at the VOLI program!.

Datum objave: 17. June, 2019.

Organized by the Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development of the Sun, the conference “VOLONTIRE FOR NATURE”, VOLONTIRE FOR SEBE! – School Volunteer Programs in Protected Areas of Nature “(VOLI) was held in Split on June 11 and 12.

In a two-day program, participants had the opportunity to hear the experiences of domestic and foreign experts in the field of nature protection, environment and education, project partners, as well as volunteers who participated in the project.

After presenting good examples of volunteering in protected areas of nature in the Netherlands, Macedonia and Croatia, participants could actively participate in the panel discussion. The panelists and participants discussed the benefits of volunteering for volunteers and nature, the challenges they face, the need for a systematically structured volunteering program, and the voluntary motivation of volunteers and organizers.

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