Blue Project Promo Video Released.

Datum objave: 17. September, 2019.

We are pleased to present a promo video of our “Blue Project”. The video shows the activities of the Blue Project during the preparation and implementation of student projects, the development of mentoring programs and socially useful projects, which can be viewed at the following link

Many thanks to the students for their participation in the DKU pilot project and their social engagement. We also thank everyone who facilitated the implementation of the projects and helped promote the students’ socially beneficial engagements.

Student support during the development of the DKU program was provided by VFSZ professors and mentors from Argonauta and MOC Pula.

Our project is nearing completion, and in the next month and a half, we will have an evaluation meeting, a final project conference and a presentation of the Handbook on Socially Beneficial Learning.

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