Datum objave: 17. September, 2019.

This year, starting from 9th of September, for a month, the project “Dry stone wall extravaganza” or “Dry stone wall extravaganza 5” will be implemented, bringing together 15 volunteers from 5 countries (Italy, Poland, Spain, France, Turkey). The project is part of the Erasmus + program and will continue to raise awareness of the protection and valorisation of the Colentum archaeological site, as well as of Europe’s cultural heritage in general, to encourage volunteerism and active citizenship, as well as to inform the local community and the general public about the possibilities of the Erasmus + program.

The fifth edition of the Drywall Extravaganza project will be held in Murter from 15 September to 15 October 2019, with the main activities at the Colentum archaeological site.

The project will place greater emphasis on promoting the sites and islands of Murter, which will have an impact on raising the awareness of the local community about the importance of preserving the sites, as well as raising young people’s awareness of the importance of protecting and promoting a common of European cultural heritage. Part of the volunteer activities will also be about designing an additional supply of archaeological sites, in terms of creating workshops and games on the topic of Colentum, which will expand the knowledge of volunteer participants about the archaeological site of Colentum.

Volunteers will make the greatest contribution through clearing the site from vegetation, arranging and constructing part of the drywall, but also through participating in other activities important for the development of the site. In this way, our volunteers will have the opportunity to participate and assist the children from the Šubićevac Educational Center in mosaic making. Contributors to this, as well as to previous Drywall extravaganzas, are the Museum of the City of Šibenik, the Municipality of Murter-Kornati and the Municipal Company of Murtela. The Drywall Extravaganza 5 project is implemented with the financial support of the Mobility Agency and EU programs under the EU program “Erasmus +”.

For more information on activities during the project, follow the EVS Dry Stone Wall Extravaganza page: https://www.facebook.com/evsdrystonewallextravaganza/

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