A creative morning at the Colentum.

Datum objave: 26. September, 2019.

After a rainy night, it was a sunny and cheerful morning at the Colentum. In addition to our EVS volunteers and Ivo Šikić-Bažokić, who are carefully working on the construction of drywall, Colentum was visited this morning by the users of the Šubićevac Center for Education.

One group of users at the “Small Archeological Workshop”, accompanied by the presenters Ivana Miškić and Vedrana Ćetković, creates a mosaic displaying the logo of the Colentum archaeological site. This workshop was created in cooperation with the Museum of the City of Šibenik, the Šubićevac Center for Education and the Argonauta Association. The Centre users have today begun to shape the Fimo mass into small squares that, after drying, will become part of the mosaic that will adorn the premises of the Argonauta association. In addition to the presenters / special education teacher, the users are assisted in mosaic making and our EVS volunteers.

In parallel with the “Small Archeological Workshop”, there is also a photography workshop led by Željko Krnčević as part of the “KULTajmo u Šibenik” project. The KULTajmo in Šibenik project is worth HRK 797,757.40 and is funded by the European Social Fund. The applicant for the project is the Museum of the City of Šibenik in partnership with the City of Šibenik, the Association of the Blind and the Šibenik-Knin County, the Youth Association in the EU and the Šibenik Photo Club. The Argonauta Association participated in the project as a collaborator, and today’s workshop was part of many activities of the project, which included a sales exhibition at the Šubićevac Training Center in addition to the photography workshop.

The workshops will run until Wednesday, 2nd of October, and will be joined by the users of the Center for Inclusion from Split. We look forward to seeing the final results of these workshops, the cheerful mosaic and the photos of newly photographed photographers!

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