The first educational weekend seminar within the project “Blue Eco-patrol” was held.

Datum objave: 16. October, 2019.

As part of the Blue Eco-Patrol project, the first educational weekend seminar was held where 20 participants were educated on sustainable development and non-formal learning methods. The seminar was held in Lozovac from 11.10.2019. to 13.10.2019, and the participants were selected through the “Call for Proposals for the Engagement of the Local Blue Eco-Patrol Coordinator”, announced by the Argonauta Association.

Organized by the Argonauta association as the project promoter, and the MORE 249 Local Action Group and other project partners, the first of three educational weekend seminars were organized for selected participants on sustainable development and non-formal learning methods. The training aims to train participants for the position of “Local Blue Eco-Patrol Coordinators” who will lead a group of 20 children in 7 coastal and island locations in Šibenik-Knin County. At the outset, participants were encouraged to think outside the box by asking the seemingly simple question “How to define sustainable development?” And thereby made them aware of the challenges that sustainable development presents.

Along with the mentoring of experienced trainers, the participants became more familiar with the issues of sustainable development through the prism of ecological footprint, quality of life, economy and good and bad examples from different parts of the world. During the two days of learning and socializing, the participants also discovered what participation is, the experiential learning cycle, meta-reflection, what is the difference between formal, non-formal and informal learning, and what knowledge, skills and attitudes should be acquired to become quality Blue Leaders Eco-patrols.

After measuring our ecological footprint and realizing that we are “treading” the planet a lot more than we should, we hope that the participants of the second weekend will come with good examples that they are ready to adopt into their daily habits and thus reduce their pressure on the planet. The second educational weekend seminar will be held in Sinj from 25.10.2019 to 27/10/2019.

The Blue Eco-Patrol project started on June 1, 2019, and lasts for 22 months and is co-financed through the Swiss-Croatian Cooperation Program of HRK 1,152,000.00, while its total value is HRK 1,280,000.00.

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