We participated in LEAP-learning to participate in education organized by the association “Youth in the EU”.

Datum objave: 22. January, 2020.

On January 20, 2020, we attended a training in Šibenik organized by the Youth Association “Youth in the EU”. The EU Youth colleagues presented their project to us, within the Erasmus + program called “LEAP-learning to participate”, which is being implemented together with partners from Germany, Austria and Italy. It is a strategic youth partnership project involving youth and universities. The goals of this project are: to present Project-based learning as a working practice in associations dealing with non-formal learning methods and, above all, youth; support young people in developing social and civic competences; strengthen common European values ​​on youth participation; enhance intercultural dialogue and respect for diversity among young people in participating organizations; establish a new form of cooperation between formal and non-formal education organizations participating in the project.

We have learned through education through several non-formal learning methods what Project-based learning is, what all young people can learn and learn through it, and how it will help them further develop their careers. Also, Sibenik colleagues showed us what it takes to create a new story and what it takes to make the change we want to make, through a short video: “The Story of Stuff” (link: https://www .youtube.com/watch?v= oIQdYXCKUv0). It was very interesting and we look forward to the new educations on this project.

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