We participated in training on ESS projects organized by AMPEU.
Argonauta staff participated in training on writing ESS projects organized by the Agency for Mobility and Programs on September 3, 2019, in the Concrete China space in Split.
The training was attended by representatives of associations and public bodies who already have a lot of experience with EU projects, but also those interested in this was their first encounter with an EU project. Through workshops and presentations, we were introduced to opportunities for young people and applicants in the European Solidarity Force program, application form, concrete ideas and successfully implemented projects. In smaller groups, we tried to identify what the community’s requirements were and how they could accomplish a joint project. Our group linked the ecology and the desire to “return life to the neighbourhood” and thus drafted the Green Roofs project, which would be a gathering place for young and old, a place where knowledge and stories would be conveyed, a place that would bring additional activities to the neighbourhood.
“What is solidarity?” was one of the issues we addressed in smaller and then larger groups. Although everyone has their version of the definition of solidarity, one has left a distinct impression “Solidarity is an active commitment to the other in distress”, and it is the EU that encourages young people to write their projects and actively commit to solidarity across groups, topics, the planet, etc.