3rd Eco Wednesday.

Datum objave: 29. July, 2020.

Third appointment with our Eco-Wednesday is gone, and… WOOOOHOOOOO!!!! Today we were with SIXTEEN little environmental heroes!! New upcycling project has been developed and new things were learned. Don’t worry if you missed the previous ones, you can still catch the last two Eco Wednesday to have fun with us!

This morning we closed our eyes for a while and listened to one of the most majestic powers on Earth: the wind. We learned which are the most important ones here in Croatia, what do they do to our weather, where do they come from and how to distinguish them, based on their provenience.

To do so, we started from the wind rose and how to orientate ourselves even when we don’t have any electronic tool to help us out. Now we know how to find the North both during the day, with the help of the sun and a regular clock, and during the night looking upon our heads, searching for Polaris.

Finally we built up our upcycled “wind detector”, made out of plastic bottles, corks and many many colors! We struggled a little with making knots but, hey, everything that’s new seems hard at the beginning, but with a bit of commitment and a sparkle of patience, we ended up with great results, and we are just so proud!

We can’t wait to meet up again next Wednesday, and you? Are you ready to make the world a better place, while having fun?

Stay tuned, stay Eco!

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