Datum objave: 15. September, 2020.

Short (but intense) term volunteers

Yesterday, 14.09.20, we finally welcomed our NEW VOLUNTEERS! Coming from different nationalities: we have a bit of France, a bit of Poland, a bit of Portugal, a bit of Turkey and a little sparkle of Croatia too, all reunited in Murter to contribute to our community!

First day demands some presentations and what’s the best way to break some ice? Play together, obviously! We made some games and through the fun we started sharing feelings, fears and expectations about this month that just started; it was encouraging to see how they were already bonding and forming an enthusiastic team.

After getting to know each other a little bit, it was time for them to find out their “missions” for this Stone&Sail Extravaganza 2020 project! So …Colentum, here we come!

Luka Ježina, our Argonauta’s President, was patiently waiting for us there and took care of showing the site and what would have been their tasks, sharing with them the precious and rich history hidden among these ruins. He gave a very inspirational speech, making them realize how the team work of the previous volunteers had left an indelible mark on the community and in the preservation of the site itself and how they were part of something bigger than what they could sense at first sight.

Enough to digest for one day! We let them go, free to explore on their own the beauties of Murter, giving them appointment for this morning, directly in Colentum.

It’s eight forty-five, the sun shines high in the sky, the waves lull the thoughts … but, heeeey! Time to wake up people! It’s time for a CLUEntum round! We thought it would have been the perfect way to get more in touch with their surroundings and raise their positive energies and it worked quite well.

Energy up, time to pick some brushes and start working seriously!

Today’s tasks were about giving the first coat of covering to the wood of the benches and the swing, then starting cleaning up the path from trash and weeds and finally some gardening of the bushes. A rough morning that only a refreshing splash in this turquoise sea could heal!

It has been a great start, volunteers are dynamic and fervent, ready for this new adventure!

Stay tuned to discover how the project evolves in the time!

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