Datum objave: 10. February, 2021.

On Thursday, February 4, 2021, in the premises of the Education Center, Put hrvatskih vladara 47 in Murter, a meeting/workshop was held to design opportunities for cooperation on better use of public property in the Municipality of Murter Kornati for the old military complex on Raduč hill.

The meeting was attended by representatives of partners and associates of the Jedro project as well as other stakeholders who are of significant interest in this topic (Murter Kornati Tourist Board, Kornati National Park).

The introductory part began by asking everyone to present what Raduč means to them in order to gain insight into the diversity of associations with which this area is associated. In a somewhat more informal tone, various answers were received, through which the wide range of potentials that Raduč has was hinted at.

After the introductory part, Luka Ježina, Senior Adviser for Development and EU Funds at the Municipality of Murter Kornati presented municipal development projects and civic initiatives related to Raduč Hill, which has so far resulted in the creation of two plans for this publicly owned area.

The first plan refers to the Insulation for which there is already a county spatial plan, municipal spatial plan, UPU, and preliminary design. In addition, a Request for Transfer of Ownership was sent, and the project has already been included in the list of projects of the Resilience and Recovery Mechanism. The next steps are to establish a strong partnership, secure support at the national and county level, obtain a location permit, develop a master plan, obtain a construction permit, apply for EU funds, relocate antennas and build an access road.

Given the complexity of this project, which will require generous financial resources as well as human and other capacities, a contingency plan is being considered that would be somewhat easier to implement, and which would include arranging a theme park/lookout. This plan would include actions of cleaning the terrain and arranging the BIKE PARK. So far, over 60 locals have been discussed within this plan, and over 150 memories/stories/anecdotes have been collected and the timeline of events on Raduč Hill reconstructed through the analysis of the collected material. The steps that follow in this sense are the preparation of the exhibition “Secrets of Raduča”, the continuation of the BIKE park, actions of cleaning the terrain, caves, tunnels, pines, finding, and topographic image of the 3rd Cave and designing joint initiatives through the SAIL project.

In that sense, all those present were asked to use the “crazy 8” method to write 8 ideas that could be realized on Raduč Hill within a year. The ideas were really diverse. The ideas were then divided into 3 categories; cultural events, sports and ecology, and artistic interpretations. Then the participants were divided into groups according to these categories and the task was to jointly design two activities/content that would take place on the hill Raduč, which the participants did.

This activity is part of the implementation of the DC Jedro project financed from the European Social Fund (85%) and grants provided from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia (15%) with a total value of HRK 1,999,243.34.

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