Realization of the project And let Lokva live.

Datum objave: 20. May, 2021.

Organized by the Association for the Protection of Nature and the Environment and the Promotion of Sustainable Development of the Argonauts from Murter, the realization of the educational project “And let Lokva live” has begun. The aim of the project is to protect and increase the biodiversity of the only island wetland, Lake Lokve and inform the general public about its importance. So far, two out of six field ecological workshops have been held, with students of higher grades of the Murterski škoji Elementary School (Murter) and the Vjekoslav Kaleb Elementary School (Tisno) at the location. Other activities are planned, such as reviving the history of Lokva, making a hotel for insects and birdhouses from recycled material, making a film, and lecturing students to their teachers.

A total of 15 young nature lovers have applied to participate in the activities of this project. During the workshops so far, the participants have experienced what it is like to be a researcher. They discovered the charms of Lake Lokva with different senses, compared the obtained results with the results obtained from everyday life, rushed in search of different plant and animal species that Lokva offers habitat, explored the microscopic world of Lokva, collected water samples, studied frogs, tadpoles and their development cycle. developed skills for teamwork and artistic expression contributed to the preservation of Lokva by collecting garbage, and at the same time had fun.

Vanja Roca, leader and coordinator of the project “And let Lokva live”:

“As a team, we are extremely satisfied with the activities carried out in just two meetings! As an individual, I look forward to seeing the smiles on the faces of new young researchers, especially when they discover something new and at first glance hidden. They awakened motivation and strengthened community, and came up with innovative ideas on possible ways to preserve wetlands that are extremely important for the entire Earth’s ecosystem. We are expecting four more meetings with many interesting activities! ”

The project “And let Lokva live” is financially supported by WWF Adria, and the Tourist Board of Jezera as a partner in the project will equip Lokva with urban equipment (board, bench, trash can) which will participate in creating a social corner for visitors.

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