Datum objave: 30. June, 2021.

On Tuesday, June 29, 2021. A meeting with our partner associations was held at the Jedro Community Center and as part of the Jedro project. The meeting discussed how partner associations can contribute to the organization and holding of the Free Music Festival, which will be held on 9, 10, and 11 July 2021 on Luka Beach in Caffe bar Reful, organized by KUU Zaokret.

Nina Šegović and Darko Živković, ie representatives of the Zaokret association, shared information about the needs for volunteers before and during the festival with the others present at the meeting (signed list attached). The jobs they need volunteers for are as follows; traffic regulation during the festival, serving food to musicians, carrying technical equipment, helping with handing out flyers, and advertising on social media.

Also, as part of the Festival a few days earlier, 6, 7. and on July 8, it is planned to hold a workshop on eco scenography that would give the Festival a green note, so help will be welcome in this activity as well.

Representatives of other associations will be organized according to the available time and competencies, and in cooperation with the employee of Zaokret, Nina Šegović will coordinate the necessary assistance in the form of volunteer work.

The Sail project is financed from the European Social Fund (85%) and grants provided from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia (15%) with a total value of HRK 1,999,243.34

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