Datum objave: 30. June, 2021.

On Tuesday, June 29, as part of the activities of the Sail Community Center at 10:00 am, a workshop on the topic of THOR cards (The Heart Of Reflection) was held. The topic of the workshop is the use of a thinking tool called “THOR” (Heart of Reflection) which is the product of a strategic partnership with the Erasmus program.

The workshop was held by Igor Spetič Speja from Split, a certified trainer of many informal programs, and our volunteers immediately tested the tool. Two volunteers who are nearing the end of their volunteer service, Eleonora and Juan, looked back on their experience at Argonaut while Costanza, our newest volunteer, was thinking about the future of her volunteer service.

Also, using a debriefing tool called The House Of Reflection, volunteers “walked” through four rooms to become aware of feelings, facts, conclusions, and a plan for the future (4F – Feelings, Facts, Findings, Future). Volunteers really liked the tool precisely because it makes the process more interesting and stimulates the imagination to think more creatively and draw conclusions.

If you want to try this tool yourself and reflect on the day, business success or failure, plan, relationship, etc. you can find the online application HERE.

We bring a part of the atmosphere from the workshop to the photo gallery.

This activity was carried out within the calendar of the Social Center Jedro. The Sail project is financed from the European Social Fund (85%) and grants provided from the State Budget of the Republic of Croatia (15%) with a total value of HRK 1,999,243.34

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