Datum objave: 25. October, 2021.

If we have to define the meaning of amphorae from today’s point of view, we could say that amphora is an antique packaging intended for storing various foods with the possibility of multiple uses and various purposes. The ones we find at the bottom of the sea were used mainly for storing and trading oils, wine and spices, and their purpose also reached the role of building material when the amphorae would lose its basic form.
With the project Tastes from amphora, amphorae will gain an additional dimension and meaning- its purpose will not only be storage of foods, but also experiences and feelings based on the tastes and smells of ancient times.

With a working brunch, or as it was called in Roman times- ientaculum, we started the activities of the project Tastes from amphorae. On this occasion, we presented the project and its main activities to the public and, in addition, we gathered participants in the activities of the Project Education of Selected Fishermen and Chefs – educational activities aimed at raising awareness of the importance of fishing or maritime heritage. In this first workshop, we were introduced to the foods used at the time of the Colentum, exchanged experiences among the assembled fishermen, fish processors and caterers and joint forces, guided guided guided by educators of the Center for Food Culture, studied ways to can fish and devised new dishes inspired by the past.

The participants continued their activities with workshops on the theme of an ancient dinner inspired by the past of The Colentum – using traditional ingredients, participants were presented with more modern ways, recipes and combinations in order to raise awareness and nurture the fact that tradition evolves over time and will only survive. In addition, at both workshops, participants discussed cooperation opportunities and the problems and challenges they face either in catching or processing fish or in the catering offer of fish specialties.

Various innovative approaches to the popularisation of fisheries and maritime heritage, inspired by the linking of ancient resources, will contribute to the evaluation of the maritime heritage of LAGUR Seagull. Through educating the local community and strengthening capacities, connecting the private, public and civil sectors operating in the area of the sea and fisheries, improving the Event Night of The Colentum, gastronomy based on fish specialties available to all those it makes on the island of Murter will be popularized.
The ancient part of the historical and cultural legacy of the archaeological sites of the island of Murter will serve as inspiration for the new offer.

Through the FLAG development strategy “Seagull”, Measures 2.1.1. “Strengthening the competitiveness of fishery and aquaculture products” was awarded a 148,846.00kn grant to Argonauta Association, based in Murter. The funds will be used for the implementation of educations for fishermen, fish processors and caterers, designing an antique menu, conducting the tastes of amphora prize draw, and organizing and implementing the event 5 “Colentum Night 2022”.
The decision to select the project was taken by the FLAG “Seagull”, and the Decision on the allocation of funds by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries Directorate in June 2021. The activity is co-financed by the European Union from the European Phonenous Power and Fisheries through the Operational Programme for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. The project is implemented by the Argonaut Association in partnership with the Municipality of Murter-Kornati and the Tourist Board of the Municipality of Murter-Kornati.

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    • Association for Nature and Environment Conservation and Sustainable Development
    • Butina 2
      HR - 22243 Murter
    • Hrvatskih vladara 47
      HR - 22243 Murter
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