Creative and humanitarian Christmas at the Jedro Community Center.

Datum objave: 6. December, 2021.

December will be full of creative gatherings at the Jedro Community Center, organized by the local Murter associations Latinsko idro, the Matica hrvatska branch in Murter and our Argonauta association. Thus, all those interested in Murter will be able to join one of the associations and together with them make Christmas decorations from recycled materials. This year, the activities of the associations will be joined by the young forces of the Murter local community called Klub po guštu.

In addition to the mentioned associations and their gatherings, the Cultural and Artistic Association Zaokret will organize a jam session, socializing with acoustic music.

The first gathering will be held on Tuesday, December 7, by the Latin Sail Association, and in the following days by other associations. All the decorations we make together will be sold at the Christmas Fair on December 19 in Murter na Hramini, and all the funds raised will be redirected to humanitarian purposes for the treatment of little Kiara from Tribunj.

That is why we invite everyone who is interested in the work of local associations in Murter to join us in the coming days, to get acquainted with their work in a creative atmosphere and to do something good together in these pre-holiday days.

By the way, the Social Center Jedro opened its doors in May this year, one of its goals is to raise the capacity of local associations, and the project within which it was created was funded by the European Social Fund (85%) and grants provided from the state budget Croatia (15%) with a total value of HRK 1,999,243.34.

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