An invitation to all primary and secondary schools: Scissors in hand!.

Datum objave: 14. December, 2021.

The International Volunteer Day was recently marked, but the value, nobility and benefits of volunteers’ work should be emphasized on other days of the year. That is why on this St. Lucija day, who is not directly connected with volunteers but who traditionally hints at the light, we present three young volunteers from Italy and Spain who arrived in Murter through the program of the European Solidarity Force.

Marco Mazzotta, Costanza Lauria and Marisol Navarro found their home in Murter for a while, and offered their work to our Argonauta association. They became part of the local community and hearing about the story of little Kiara from Tribunj, they decided they knew how to offer their help in this situation, which again united the whole of Croatia in raising funds to provide a little girl treatment in the US.

Marco, Costanza and Marisol made a video that, in this pre-holiday period, gives a way for each of us to help using only scissors, paper and glue, or their creativity, but entrepreneurship. Namely, the proposal that these three young volunteers give is to make interesting Christmas decorations according to their instructions, which can be used to raise funds, and which would then be redirected to Kiara’s account.

This video is especially aimed at children, as primary and secondary school students, and their teachers and professors. Therefore Marco, Costanza, and Marisol invite all primary and secondary schools to spend part of their time in art classes, make these beautiful decorations, organize a Christmas fair where will collect donations, and eventually do a good deed and hint at a light like St. Lucy.

We hope that schools will respond in as many numbers as possible and that small contributions will contribute to a great result.

You can watch the VIDEO recorded by our volunteers here.


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Call 060 9003

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Sberbank d.d.

Account holder: Matea Lambaša Goršić

Address: Šibenik

Model HR99

Paying donations for Kiara’s treatment

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