Paper Collection in Murter.

Datum objave: 20. December, 2021.

During the morning of Friday the 17th of December, in Murter began a paper collection campaign, this year for humanitarian purposes: all the funds we raised by selling the collected paper will be transferred to the account of the Goršić family from Tribunj, for the treatment of their little girl Kiara, who suffers from a rare malignant disease.
We will know the amount we collected in a few days. What we can already estimate is that the people of Murter collected several tons of paper, and everyone joined the action: from students of Murterski škoji Elementary School through the National Library and Reading Room Murter and Kindergarten Spužvica to other locals who have participated for years in this action. They all showed their big heart, empathy and solidarity by bringing large quantities of paper from which we made the most beautiful Christmas card in the world!

Argonaut association has been organizing paper collection campaigns in Murter for over 10 years with the aim of encouraging the ecological way of life of children and adults. This king of actions have already become tradition, and children are movers of the local community in joint paper collection throughout the year.

In this pre-holiday period, we thank everyone who participated in this activity and we invite you already to start collecting paper, because a year passes quickly 😉

The photos below picture the atmosphere of the action.

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