Team building afforestation of Leć landfill.

Datum objave: 14. October, 2022.

As a prelude to Sunday’s afforestation of the renovated Leć landfill, today the employees of the Procter and Gamble corporation gathered there and planted more than 100 trees as part of the employee team building.

The Procter and Gamble corporation financially supports the let’s plant a greener future project with an annual donation to the Argonaut association, whose main activity is the reforestation of the rehabilitated landfill. In addition to financial support, this time the donor’s employees also made a physical contribution to the realization of the project, and we would like to thank them!

The team building was also a kind of test of the big afforestation campaign that will follow us on Sunday, the preparations for which are in the final phase.

The afforestation action will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., and we expect a large number of volunteers and participants!

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