New signs appeared in Tisno.

Datum objave: 20. October, 2022.

October 20, 2022. TISNO – As part of the project “From the Argonauta for Tisno” financed by the municipality of Tisno, the component we called “Contribution to the valorization of the cultural and historical heritage in the municipality of Tisno” – the cultural and historical landmarks of Tisno were marked with info-edu boards.

In Argonauta, we created the texts, collected photos, and graphically designed the boards, and the Tourist Board of the municipality of Tisno ordered the production of the boards and installed them this summer.

The rich cultural and historical heritage of Tisno often remains unfinished in front of the visitors’ eyes. Tourists visit and take photos, and now they also have information on the spot, so that they can rise culturally and maybe fall even more in love with this special place, with a rich and interesting history.

The most frequent tourist spots are marked with informative and educational boards: the church of St. Duha, the church of St. Roka, the church of St. Andrije, site Ivinj – Sv. Martin and the bridge in Tisno, and soon the shrine of Our Lady of Karavaj will be marked.

Informative and educational boards contain the most important information related to construction, traditions associated with the building, interesting facts and photos. The boards were made bilingually, in Croatian and English, in order to be accessible to the local population, domestic and foreign visitors and tourists. There is also a QR code on them, by scanning which the visitor is directed to the website of the tourist board where he can further explore the heritage of Tisno.

With the same goal, by the end of the year, a website dedicated to the archaeological site of St. Martin – Ivinj.

#staytuned #odargonautezatisno #visittisno #opcinatisno #tztisno #lovetisno

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