Datum objave: 6. December, 2022.

Our project eMUlzija-energy of young people in the local community brings together different generations who work together on one topic – digital literacy. On December 3, 2022, when another workshop was held, it was about an application for the free exchange of messages, photos, videos, and other files and for establishing voice and video calls.

Participants aged 60 to 80 had the opportunity to install this application on their smartphones or, if they already have it, learn how to use it. How to call a person on a video call, post a status, send a message, or create a group… now they already know! 😀 They wrote down, remembered, had a good laugh, and socialized!

But that’s not all! We surprised them with the booklet “M(u)ali dictionary of the Murter dialect” that we published as part of this project. With a smile on my face and agreeing on the topic for the second workshop, our meeting ended.

See you next time, and follow the dates and topics on social networks!!!

*The project eMUlzija-energy of young people in the local community was financed by the Central Office for Demography and Youth, and the workshop was conducted by the Matica Hrvatska branch in Murter – a partner in the project.

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