get involved in the consultation on the rulebook for single-use plastics.
The Green Action calls on citizens who are concerned about plastic pollution to register by 10.12. included in the public consultation on the Ordinance*, which elaborates in more detail on certain provisions for the implementation of the Directive on single-use plastics.
Namely, although the Ordinance brings some positive changes, its ambition still does not correspond to the urgency of solving the problem of plastic pollution. The measures proposed by the Ordinance mostly refer to the separate collection, recycling, and replacement of single-use plastics with other single-use materials such as paper, which is harmful to the environment and does not represent a long-term sustainable solution. Plastic products for one-time use, as well as other disposable products, are the result of a consumerist society in which they are mass-produced, consumed, thrown away, and accumulate waste. It should be repeated that the least amount of plastic waste is recycled (9 percent), and the largest amount is disposed of in landfills (50 percent), burned (19 percent), and ends up in the environment (22 percent). The real solution to the problem of plastic pollution lies in reuse, i.e. reusable products, which is the only solution that does not encourage the culture of throwing away by introducing “disposable alternatives” for the production of which we use limited Earth resources and create waste.
If this story is familiar to you, now by changing your own habits you have the opportunity to get involved in the decision-making process! It only takes five minutes to get involved in public consultation and contribute to change. Counseling is open until December 10!
If you want, copy one or all of the suggested comments:
I think that:
*Very light plastic bags should be banned. Charging those bags is fine only as a temporary measure. It is certainly necessary to introduce a deadline after which they will not be available on the market.
*The expansion of the refund system is a step in the right direction, but it should also cover disposable beverage packaging larger than three liters and another packaging of liquid edible products as well as liquid cosmetic and cleaning products.
*A clear consumption reduction target should be set for single-use plastic cups for beverages, single-use plastic containers for food (50% by 2025 and 80% by 2030), as well as for all other single-use plastic products that are not necessary and single-use plastic packaging.
*For catering establishments where food is prepared and served on-site, prescribe the obligation to use only reusable dishes and cutlery, regardless of the type of catering establishment.
*The obligation to charge end-users for single-use plastic cups should be expanded to include all single-use cups, regardless of the material they are made of, as well as all single-use food containers.
*Regulations on the packaging and waste packaging, single-use plastic products, and fishing gear containing plastic