We participated in the first stakeholder workshop of the new Kornati National Park Management Plan.
On Monday, December 19, 2022, in the Jedro Community Center, the first stakeholder workshop was held for the purpose of creating a new Management Plan for the Kornati National Park, in which our association also participated.
The workshops are conducted as part of the project “Development of the framework for the management of the Natura 2000 ecological network – Service for creating management plans for the areas of the Natura 2000 ecological network and protected areas – Group 4”, with the professional and technical support of the Granum Salis Cooperative.
The goal of the aforementioned first stakeholder workshop was to collect information from various stakeholders and the local community who, based on their own experience and knowledge of the area, defined the most important and major problems and thus contributed to the further creation of elements of the vision with the aim of determining the future multi-year management of the area of the Kornati National Park. The next stakeholder workshop is planned for January 2023.
Source: JU NP Kornati