Applications are open for the new youth exchange!.
Music for Mental Health (MoMe) is the latest youth exchange that will bring together over 30 young people of different nationalities and backgrounds to Croatia to start a conversation about mental health and the connection with music, pleas and active life. The main goal of this project is to bring together young people from 6 different countries to inspire each other with methods to improve their own well-being and share them in their local communities. We want to raise their awareness of the current state of mental health of young people in their communities and improve their emotional and physical well-being.
If you are between 18 and 30 years old, you are free from October 3 to 11 and you want to improve your mental health, apply and become part of #teamCroatia!
Application form:
*The deadline for submitting applications is September 5, 2024. Learn more about the project in the info pack:…/13dpRnM2zb9GJ7X0FrTp…/view…
*The project is implemented as part of the Erasmus+ accreditation.