Drystone wall Extravaganza 4 & 5.

The new cycle of the “Drystone wall Extravaganza” project under the Erasmus + program will be held through September and October 2018. and April and May 2019 The project activities will continue to raise awareness of the protection and valorisation of the Colentum archaeological site, but also of Europe’s cultural heritage in general, to encourage volunteerism and active citizenship, as well as to inform the local community and the general public about the possibilities of the Erasmus + program.

The Drystone wall Extravaganza 4 and 5 projects will be implemented through the Erasmus + program under Key Activity 1, ie the European Voluntary Service / European Solidarity Force. The project is supported by the European Union Agency for Mobility and Programs. 30 young people from 5 European countries will participate in the project: Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland, Spain and Italy. Throughout the month of volunteer service, young people will become aware of the importance of protecting and preserving cultural heritage, learning about other cultures and embracing diversity, promoting volunteerism and active citizenship. This volunteer service will have a great impact on the local community in terms of raising community awareness of Erasmus + opportunities and the importance of the Colentum archaeological site.

Most of the activities of the Drystone wall Extravaganza 4 and 5 projects will be carried out at the site of the Colentum archaeological site, with the supervision and cooperation of experts from the Museum of the City of Šibenik. The project will place greater emphasis on promoting the sites and islands of Murter, which will have an impact on raising the awareness of the local community about the importance of preserving the sites, as well as raising young people’s awareness of the importance of protecting and promoting a common, European cultural heritage. Part of the volunteer activities will also be about designing an additional supply of archaeological sites, in terms of creating workshops and games on the topic of Colentum, which will expand the knowledge of volunteer participants about the archaeological site of Colentum and raise awareness of the potential of cultural heritage.

The project “Drystone wall Extravaganza 4 and 5” bears the title European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018.

GOALS: To promote the Colentum archaeological site as a valuable part of Europe's cultural heritage; enhance knowledge and raise awareness of cultural/archaeological heritage values ​​and their potential for sustainable rural development; encouraging young people for civic activism and volunteerism; presenting opportunities under Erasmus +.

USERS: Civil society organizations from 5 European countries, 30 young people, ie EVS / ESS service volunteers, local community, local government.

PARTNERS: Associazione di promozione sociale Joint from Italy, Semper Avanti Stowarzyszenie from Poland, Alternatives International from Bulgaria, Asociación Arrabal-AID from Spain, Akdeniz Ucuncu Goz Egitim ve Genclik Dernegi from Turkey.

DONORS: Agency for Mobility and EU Programs within the EU Program “Erasmus +”.

DURATION: 01. May 2018.-31. July 2019.

BUDGET: 32.610,00 EUR

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