Eco-patrols for environmental goals (Eco-patrols 4 environmental goals -E4E).

The project will be aimed at developing the competencies of partner organizations that work to raise awareness for different target groups on the topics of challenges related to the environment and climate change. The E4E project is motivated by the logic of ensuring consistency and progressive upgrading of existing results, previous projects, programs, and activities of all project partners working in the field of environmental and youth protection. The results of the project will try to enable changes in the behavior towards the environment in the daily life choices of the target groups, by implementing the eco patrol concept.

The E4E project will strengthen cooperation between 5 partner environmental organizations working in non-formal youth education and increase the ability to work on a transnational level. After the implementation of the project, an online e-educational game composed of 24 time zones / tasks and a manual on informal environmental education for young people in 5 languages will be developed. One of the project activities is the establishment of pilot eco-patrols in 5 local communities of partner organizations.

A digital dimension will be added to the project collaboration, and an e-educational game (with a hard copy version) will be developed and implemented through the project, which will be a teaser to challenge young people to take civic actions related to challenges in the field of environment and climate change.




GOALS: -Increase the quality and relevance of the activities of partner organizations in the informal education of young people in the area of the environment; - Encourage the work of the partner consortium to the next level of the strategic approach to informal access to young people -build the capacity of all five partners for joint action at the transnational level through the exchange of ideas, approaches, and working methods that each partner uses at the national level to jointly develop innovative informal methods for working in the education of young people about the environment in a creative synergistic process environmental education; - transferring examples of good practices between different youth and organizations for environmental protection and strengthening their capacities; - work on the implementation of jointly developed innovative practice - implementation of eco patrol and introduction of the eco patrol as an extracurricular activity At the local level; - capacity building through the spread of informal education for the concept of the environment to interested persons who work with young people, local non-governmental organizations for environmental protection, youth educators and offer them project results that they can freely use; - Launching a joint initiative for the digitization of environmental education through the creation of an e-educational game.

USERS: Employees, volunteers, and members of partner organizations, schools (teachers and students), young people, people who work with young people, and associations focused on working with young people and environmental protection.

PARTNERS: Argonauta Association, Croatia (holder) ASSOCIATION OF CITIZEN CREATOR KUMANOVO, North Macedonia ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION, Serbia Management Consortium of the Marine Protected Area Punta Campanella, Italy All Together Association, Hungary


DURATION: 01.02.2023.-01.02.2025.

BUDGET: 250.000,00 EUR

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