The goal of the KORNATI – IT’S IMPORTANT TO KNOW ABOUT THE SEA 8 project is to strengthen awareness of the value of nature, specifically the Kornati Islands, through educational programs, conducting educational ecological workshops for preschool and early school children on the topic of biological diversity and sea protection, and conducting an extracurricular activity called Eco-Patrol. as monthly extracurricular and extracurricular activities for children in the upper grades of elementary school.

Component I.: Educational programs on the subject of the Kornati Islands

During the educational trip to Kornati National Park, children will be shown the importance of nature protection through topics from geology, terrestrial and marine biology, cultural-historical heritage and a demonstration of field-research work in marine biology. In the execution of educational programs, we will include in the same groups children and young people with developmental difficulties and gifted children and in this way create a new attitude towards diversity and encourage their mutual support. The past practice of trips conducted in this way has shown a high level of interest among children, and the workshops have resulted in a high level of education, as well as socialization.

Component II.: Eco-Wednesday, workshop for children of preschool age and lower grades of elementary school

Through this project, we would organize the systematic education of children of preschool and elementary school age related to the protection of nature and the environment, with an emphasis on the marine environment, all with the purpose of educating children from an early age in order to raise awareness of the importance of preserving their homeland and create little ecologists from the earliest days. which will make positive changes in society. The workshops will take place once a week during March, April and May and will be free for participants. Cooperation will be established with kindergartens and primary schools, and a young person who has the knowledge and skills to work with young people will be hired to work with children. The newly hired young person will be assisted by an Argonaute employee, and international volunteers will help in the implementation of the workshops.

Component III.: Argonaut’s Eco-Patrol

As part of the project, we will employ a young person or a person with appropriate volunteer experience, on a contract basis. This person will be the Leader of the “Argonaut’s eco-patrol”. The eco patrol will be held once a week in the premises of the Vodice/Tisno elementary school or outdoors, depending on the weather, and will be intended for a mixed group of elementary school-aged students from the Vodice/Tisno elementary school. As part of the project, and in cooperation with partner and collaborating organizations (JU NP Kornati and Elementary School Vodice/Tisno), the leader will develop the existing educational program that will be interdisciplinary (biology, geography, ecology) and will contain 50% field work (coastal cleaning actions, observation dolphins, maintaining a marine aquarium, maintaining a small collection of invertebrates, bird watching, observing and solving environmental problems in the local community, etc.). The Argonauta Association will carry out the project in close cooperation with the project partners: Murter-Kornati Municipality, Elementary School Vodice, Spužvica Kindergarten, Tisno, Center for Education Šubićevac Šibenik, Veterinary Faculty of the University of Zagreb, Aurora Association, Šibenik, and Kamenčići Association- Šibenik and JU NP Kornati. Each of these partners contributes to the implementation of project activities from their own aspect of activity

GOALS: The main goal of the project is to strengthen awareness of the value of nature, specifically the Kornati Islands. Individual goals: * informing and educating children and young people about the values ​​of the Kornati Islands; * enrichment of extracurricular activities for children with developmental disabilities; *inclusion of children with developmental disabilities in the regular extracurricular learning process intended for children without disabilities; *strengthening the cooperation of different organizations (intrasectoral and intersectoral) *strengthening the awareness of other target groups and the wider public about the values ​​of the Kornati Islands and the marine biodiversity of the Adriatic Sea, *establishment of a continuous year-round extracurricular activity - Eco-patrol as a step towards the establishment of systematic education for nature and the environment

USERS: Children and youth of Šibenik-Knin County

PARTNERS: Municipality of Murter-Kornati, Primary School Vodice, Kindergarten Spužvica, Tisno, Center for Education Šubićevac Šibenik, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Association Aurora, Šibenik, Association Kamenčići Šibenik, JU NP Kornati.

DONORS: Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia

DURATION: 04.09.2023. - 31.08.2024

BUDGET: €19,700.00

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