Music for Mental Health.

“Music for Mental Health: Inspiration in the Body Through Music” (MoMe II) is a continuation of the previous youth exchange titled “Movement for Mental Health.” After the first edition achieved very successful results, this edition responds to the needs and desires of participants and partners to continue working on mental health through art and movement. The main goal of this project is to bring together 26 young people and 6 group leaders from 6 different countries to inspire each other with methods to improve their personal well-being and share them in their local communities, this time focusing on music as a means to address mental health. We aim to continue raising their awareness of the current state of mental health in their communities, as well as strengthening their emotional well-being through musical art.

GOALS: To bring together 32 young people from different backgrounds to promote cultural diversity, giving them the opportunity to learn about other cultures while living and working in mixed-nationality groups; to raise awareness of the current mental health of young people through exploring experiences in their local communities, reducing the stigma of taboo topics; to reflect on the impact that art has on physical well-being, overcoming negative attitudes, as well as boosting participants' self-confidence and self-esteem; to learn through dance workshops how to use the body more effectively and creatively, improving their emotional and physical condition; to provide space to prepare and perform a show in front of the local community, showcasing the results of the exchange.

USERS: 32 young people from 6 European countries: Croatia, Greece, North Macedonia, Turkey, Spain, and Portugal.





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