From plans to reality – Renewable Chance for Future / From plans to reality – Renewable Chance for Future.

The project “From plans to reality – a renewable opportunity for the future” is an international project that started in December 2023 and will last for two years.

Project description:

National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP) are plans aimed at meeting the new EU energy and climate goals for 2030. The NECPs describe how member states will meet energy and climate goals in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, interconnection, and research and innovation.

Green scenarios and expert studies that will be created in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Croatia by the project “From plans to reality – a renewable chance for the future” and that will assess the potential and effect of more ambitious decarbonization goals, will enable relevant stakeholders in the three mentioned countries to negotiate relevant updates of NECPs.

Furthermore, analyzes of obstacles to meeting more ambitious goals and recommendations for overcoming them will also be created by this project and will facilitate the wider application and further development of renewable energy. In addition to all of the above, this project will encourage the participation of stakeholders as well as the awareness of local, regional and national public institutions, experts, civil society and the general public about this topic.


Partners in the project are organizations from Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Croatia; Solární asociace, z.s./ Solar Association Head office; Union of Modern Energetics, z.s. (SME)/ Modern Energy Union (Czech Republic), Slovenská asociácia fotovoltického indústvo a OZE (SAPI)/ Slovak Association of Photovoltaic Industry and RES (SAPI) (Slovakia), Association for the Protection of Nature and the Environment and the Promotion of Sustainable Development Argonaut.

This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

Find out more about the European Climate Initiative at

GOALS: 1. Key stakeholders and experts will be involved in the creation of Green Scenarios in three countries (Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Croatia) with the aim of updating the national NECPs 2. Relevant decision makers will get acquainted with the created Green Scenarios and recommendations for removing obstacles to the improvement and implementation of the NECP with the aim of formulating and adopting effective measures to facilitate the use of renewable energy sources. 3. The exchange of good practices will raise the awareness of key stakeholders and the general public through continuous communication about the possibilities of more ambitious decarbonization goals.


PARTNERS: Solární asociace, z.s./ Solar Association Head office; Union of Modern Energetics, z.s. (SME)/ Modern Energy Union (Czech Republic), Slovenská asociácia fotovoltického indústvo a OZE (SAPI)/ Slovak Association of Photovoltaic Industry and RES (SAPI) (Slovakia)

DONORS: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH; This project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK).

DURATION: 1.12.2023. - 30.11.2025.

BUDGET: 619,929.65 euros

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