GOALS: The objective of the project is to improve knowledge and raise awareness about the values of cult.(archaeological and maritime) heritage as a common European value and its potential in terms of sustainable development of rural communities, to make the voluntary work and benefits adjusted to local community needs and connect local and international youth volunteers to learn from each other about different benefits and opportunities of volunteerism and ESC Programme.

USERS: Target group of the project will be 16 volunteers coming from Poland, France, Portugal, Turkey, and Croatia, who are going to be participants of the project. Their knowledge, firstly of the archeological heritage from antiquity that we share in Europe, sustainable development of cultural sites (Colentum), community development through local event (The Days of the Latin Sail) and local culture will be broadened, they will learn to appreciate and learn to respect the sources that we have and share in Europe and beyond, their intercultural experience will be enriched - they will have a chance to live and work with a group of young people coming from different social, economic, political, cultural or religious background on a topic of common interest. They will have a chance to experience a new national culture (Croatian) and new local culture (Murter) and to accept values such as social inclusion, equal opportunities, active citizenship, solidarity, and tolerance. Volunteers will improve their skills and competencies for personal, educational, social, civic, cultural and professional development resulting in their increased self-empowerment and self-esteem.

PARTNERS: Palombar – Associação de Conservação da Natureza e Património Rural, and Experimentáculo Associação Cultural, from Portugal; SEMPER AVANTI from Poland; Akdeniz Ucuncu Goz Egitim ve Genclik Dernegi from Turkey, and Centre Régional Information Jeunesse région Centre from France.

DONORS: European Solidarity Corps, Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes

DURATION: 01/05/2020 - 31/12/2020

BUDGET: 22.333,00 €

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