The Sea is life 5.

The EVS project “Sea is life 5” is a continuation of previously successfully implemented projects “Sea is life 1-4”. It will be conducted at the Education Center for Sustainable Island and Coastal Development in Murter, run by the Argonauta Association. The main topics of the project are education for nature and environment, active citizenship and creativity of young people. The project aims to continue to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable development and untapped local resources to the local community and the general public, and to expand the impact of the Education Center for Sustainable Development – with the help of a European Volunteer Service to be implemented by two volunteers (1 from Spain, 1 from Poland) from 12 months of age on the island of Murter. Volunteers will assist in the daytime activities of the Education Center in the summer season, create educational and creative workshops for children, assist in promotional and administrative work in the organization, assist in the preparation and implementation of youth exchanges, local volunteer actions and develop their project, etc. Volunteers will profit from the project in personal, social and professional development, and partner organizations (org. senders and org.domain) will establish a strong civil sector link between the three European countries. The local community of Murter Island will be better informed about the Erasmus + program and this will motivate young people to become actively involved in civil society activities. Through non-formal learning methods, volunteers will deepen the experience of living in a new culture different from the one they come from.

GOALS: The aim of the project is to continue to raise the awareness of the local community and the general public about the importance of sustainable development and untapped local resources, and to expand the impact of the Education Center for Sustainable Development.

USERS: * 2 international volunteers aged 18-30 * 3 civil society partner organizations * users of the Education Center for Sustainable Development * young people and children of the island of Murter * Local community of the island of Murter

PARTNERS: Municipality of De Silla, Valencia, Spain Youth Cooperation Center, Gdynia, Poland

DONORS: Agency for Mobility and EU Programs

DURATION: 1 January 2016 to 28 February 2017

BUDGET: 16.978,00 eur

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