Datum objave: 11. November, 2022.

A group of 15 volunteers gathered this month to take part in Argonauta project, with the objective of valorization of the natural and cultural heritage of Murter island. 

They came from different countries: Poland, Portugal, Italy, France and Spain.

Their work was primarily physical, they were building paths in the middle of the countryside, continuing the work of previous volunteers. First week they were working close to the beach of Colentum and the second week they were in Raduč Hill. Now local people and tourists can enjoy these roads walking, doing workout and discovering better the island.

On the other hand, I organized a lot of activities for them. For example, I prepared a few workshops about YouthPass, Canva and Awareness of plastics. Additionally, I designed several team building exercises, using the majority of them in the beginning to get to know one another and at the end to reflect back on our best experiences. 

Moreover, few volunteers create workshops about different subjects to pass on their knowledge to us. A Portuguese volunteer explained to us ways to reduce our plastic waste, alternatives of daily consumption of plastic and the consequences of the big industry. Also, a volunteer from Italy made a presentation about travel design and he showed us his work organizing an amazing trip to Colombia involving all the five senses. Besides, an Italian girl made a hilarious game to enhance our acting abilities. Finally, a French volunteer guided us around Colentum beach teaching us about the different species of plants and their health benefits. 

Furthermore, we had some special days. These days included a variety of solidarity actions, one of which was the book collection, a campaign for the local opendoor library. Another was an action about planting trees, this was a big project to help the environment after a big fire in the countryside near Vodice.

Naturally, the first days were about introduction in the project and on the island Murter. The president of Argonauta joined us to explain local facts and then we did welcome activities. The last day was not so happy like the first one because we had a really good group and the time of farewell is always hard. But now we have more friends over Europe and we will always keep this month in our minds.

In addition, we enjoyed our free time together discovering the island, going to the beach, doing tourism and hanging out. We shared a lot of things, so we learnt cultural things, improving our language skills, even personal competences. 

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