This is just the beginning.

Datum objave: 3. February, 2023.

This last month in this beautiful area in the south of Italy was extremely intense, emotional and demanding. We worked until the last day, and we said goodbye to each other day by day. I don’t know when I’ve had such a rollercoaster of emotions, I think it’s my first time. We created a real family that I will never forget, but I am sure that many more adventures await us together. ✨

We celebrated a lot, we ate a lot and we danced a lot. We had Croatian and Belgian nights for the last cultural nights. I made frittata with asparagus, Pljukanci with truffles and fritters (fritule). Everyone says they had a great time! It was very emotional for the Belgian evening because we sat in a circle and everyone said something nice for the end.
Besides, we went on our last excursion! On the highest peak of Monte Faito, where we were even welcomed by snow.
My last job was to go out into the field and take sand samples, where I then look for microplastics in the office.
In addition, we had to prepare for the last formal evening. We have prepared a presentation with our results, a fun game and dinner for all our associates.

At the end of the project we went to Ieranto bay to spend a beautiful sunny day together where some of them even took a bath! Later in the night we went to our coordinator’s house and simply enjoyed our last night together. ❤️❤️

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